If you could do with another pair of eyes on your work, you’ve come to the right place. Editing, proofreading and writing services.
If you could do with another pair of eyes on your work, you’ve come to the right place. Editing, proofreading and writing services.
I assess, copyedit and proofread manuscripts, helping writers get their work ready to be published. When it comes to books, I work broadly across fiction and non-fiction, with special interest in memoir, YA fiction and humanities non-fiction.
I also work with government, NGO and other clients on other types of text, including annual reports, progress and project reports, or web content.
If you want some gentle but direct feedback about the strengths and weaknesses of your manuscript to allow you to then go back in and tighten it up, an assessment is a great idea. I will offer reflections on structure, character and plot arcs, pace, perspective, tone and style.
A copyedit ensures that your writing is clear and logical, and that your sentences are strong. You’re after a copyedit if you’d like someone to check things like consistency of style, spelling, heading structure and tone throughout your work.
A copyedit is more in depth than a proofread and it can also include rewriting to find a unifying voice in a document with many contributors, or to find the right tone for your audience. One thing I love to do for government and corporate clients is create clear messsages by reshaping any alienating jargon.
You’re after a proofread if your piece of work just requires a final polish to check things like spelling, grammar, punctuation and basic layout checks.
If you need your content to be clear and straightforward so it’s easily understood, or if you need it at a certain reading level, I can assist you with a plain English edit.
Need a hand with headings, styles, contents pages, captions and all the rest in your Word project? I can help.
This is a check of the manuscript layout once it has been typeset, to check that everything is where it should be, the preferred styles were applied, elements are in the right positions, among other things. Depending on the length and features of the book, this usually only takes a couple of hours.
““Many thanks, Stephanie. The work you have done is amazing and the story reads so much better now.””
““I am so very grateful for your expert guidance on this. I can feel the narrative turning from a mongrel into something a reader could pick up and read without barriers.
You certainly produced an invaluable assessment for me, and I would recommend you to other writers.””